
My notes and code from "What they forgot to teach you in R" - Training Days by Jenny Bryan

This project is maintained by jminnier

Notes - Rstudio::conf 2018

Jessica Minnier 2/2/2018

Keynote - Di Cook - slides ==================================================================


Joe Cheng - Scaling Shiny apps with async programming

Winston Chang - Developing robust shiny apps with regression testing

Alan Dipert - Make shiny fast by doing as little work as possible

Sean Lopp - Scaling Shiny


Carson Sievert - Creating interactive web graphics suitable for exploratory data analysis - slides

Emily Riederer - tidycf: Turning analysis on its head by turning cashflows on their sides

Max Kuhn - Modeling in the tidyverse

Case Study

JD Long - The unreasonable effectiveness of empathy

Julia Silge - Understanding PCA using Shiny and Stack Overflow data - slides

Sandra Griffith - Accelerating cancer research with R

Herman Sontrop - Developing and deploying large scale shiny applications


Giora Simchoni - Five packages in five weeks - from boredom to contribution via blogging slides

Jim Hester - You can make a package in 20 minutes slides

Joseph Rickert - What makes a great R package? github

Mara Averick - Contributing to the tidyverse


Ramnath Vaidyanathan - Data-driven curriculum development

Colin Rundel - Kaggle in the classroom: using R and GitHub to run predictive modeling competitions slides

Chester Ismay - Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue: Ways to teach data science (and learn it too!) slides

Marco Blume - Training an army of new data scientists [given without slides]

Random observations