Workshops and Talks


R Bootcamp on Data Camp This is an interactive online course developed by Ted Laderas and I to learn R, elements of the tidyverse, and some basic statistical analysis using the R package broom. It is free though you must register for a Data Camp account. We presented this workshop as a part of the BioData Club at OHSU.

Exploratory Data Analysis and Statistics with LearnR This is the repository for the Exploratory Data Analysis and Statistics workshops for the OHSU Data Science Institute, developed by Ted Laderas and I. You can install the package DSIExplore from Github or find the interactive modules online: Part 1: categorical data and Part 2: continuous data.


Some of my talk slides are up on Rpubs/minnier.

Mixing Active Learning and Lecturing: Using Interactive Visualization as a Teaching Tool with Ted Laderas. Virtual poster for eCOTS, May 23, 2018. {slides; virtual poster video}

Building Shiny Apps: Challenges and Responsibilities. Data Day Austin, R Day, January 27, 2018.

emrselect - Automated Feature Selection of Predictors in Electronic Medical Records Data. Women Who Code Portland, January 10, 2017. {code for slides }

START - Shiny Transcriptome Analysis Resource Tool. R User Group, December 7, 2016.

Reproducible Research in Statistics. CRAB-Knight BSR Joint Meeting. June 16, 2016.

Reproducible Research in Knight Biostatistics Shared Resource. Knight BSR Staff Meeting. April 20, 2016.

Risk Classification with an Adaptive Naive Bayes Kernel Machine Model. ASA Oregon Chapter Meeting. June 30, 2015.

Math, Stats, and CS in Public Health and Medical Research. Lewis & Clark Math Colloquium, March 19, 2014.

Math, Stats and CS in Public Health and Medical Research from Jessica Minnier
Risk Classification with an Adaptive Naive Bayes Kernel Machine Model from Jessica Minnier

(site under construction)